
Daily Prompts

Daily writing prompt
What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

well, remembering to put the ‘pro’ in procrastination!

Daily Prompts

Daily writing prompt
Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

I finally decided to stop hitting the snooze button and started treating mornings like a sunrise, not a punishment.

Daily Prompts

What’s the most fun way to exercise?

The most fun way to exercise? Easy: chasing after ice cream trucks while juggling water balloons and dodging sprinklers. It’s the ultimate multitasking workout with built-in refreshment breaks!

Daily Prompts

Daily writing prompt
How has technology changed your job?

Well, let’s just say my job used to involve more paper cuts and less emojis. Thanks to technology, I’m now a master of multitasking between spreadsheets and GIFs. It’s like I upgraded from a quill pen to a magic wand… with occasional Wi-Fi hiccups, of course!

Daily Prompts

Describe a man who has positively impacted your life?

Well, imagine a human tornado of wisdom and dad jokes, who, against all odds, managed to turn my chaotic life into a sitcom with a moral lesson in every episode. They are two of my maternal uncle who passed away few years back.

Daily Prompts

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)?

The coolest thing I’ve found and kept is my self-control at an all-you-can-eat buffet. It’s a rare treasure, let me tell you!

Daily Prompts

How do you manage screen time for yourself?

I manage my screen time by setting up a life-size cardboard cutout of my grandma next to my computer. Every time I exceed my screen time limit, she gives me the disappointed grandma look. It’s surprisingly effective, although I’ve started having dreams where she’s holding a stopwatch!

Daily Pronpts

Invent a holiday! Explain how and why everyone should celebrate.

Introducing “Random Acts of Kindness Day”! On this hilarious and heartwarming holiday, everyone should engage in silly, spontaneous acts of kindness, like complimenting strangers’ socks or starting a dance party in unexpected places. Why? Because life’s too short to be serious all the time! Embracing laughter and spreading joy not only lightens our days but also creates a ripple effect of happiness. Plus, it’s a practical way to remind ourselves that a little kindness goes a long way in making the world a better place, one chuckle at a time!

Daily Prompts

What are your favorite websites?

Imagine a universe where websites could have feelings – I’d say my favorite websites would be the ones where people collaborate to solve problems, share knowledge, and create beautiful things. It’s like a digital treasure trove of human ingenuity!

Daily Prompts

Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?

Oh, definitely! I’d love to re-live the age when I thought wearing a cape would give me superpowers, or the year I was convinced my pet rock was my best friend. Ah, the simpler times of unlimited imagination and questionable fashion choices!